The Crowning of Peace

Cue-sheet for Child

(1, 0) 7 Will it be long before she comes?
(Father) We cannot tell.
(Maiden) And they have gone.
(1, 0) 16 And will they all come back when they have found the Queen?
(Father) No, they will not all come back.
(Father) No, they will not all come back.
(1, 0) 18 Why did she go away from us?
(Father) Men drove her out.
(Father) Men drove her out.
(1, 0) 20 But I have heard people say that she is very beautiful and that the world is happy when she sits upon her throne.
(Mother) Yes, little one, the world is happy.
(Mother) Yes, little one, the world is happy.
(1, 0) 22 I do not remember the Queen upon her throne.
(1, 0) 23 What was it like when the world was happy?
(Father) My son worked with me.
(1, 0) 34 And what do you remember from the time when the world was happy?
(Mother) I remember the gladness of my home and the joy in all my care.
(Mother) I remember their steps drawing near the door, and how, when they were sad of heart, I had from God the old, old gift of comfort.
(1, 0) 38 And, in that time, you did not sit quiet by the fire, trying to hide that you were crying?
(Mother) No, little one.
(1, 0) 43 And you were happy, too?
(Maiden) Yes, little one.
(Maiden) It has been bitter for the lovers, and many such as I have nothing now but memory.
(1, 0) 54 It is a great pity that men drove the Queen away!
(1, 0) 55 Why did they do it?
(1, 0) 56 I have heard that men are good and wise.
(Father) No, little one; they only wish to be.
(Man of Doubt) Yes; once again the people dream.
(1, 0) 86 Don't dreams come true?
(Mother) Hark!
(Maiden) And they are glad!
(1, 0) 108 Oh, yes!
(1, 0) 109 So glad!
(1, 0) 110 I didn't know that men and women could be so very happy.
(Father) Tell me.
(Father) O God, we thank Thee now; we who build the world a temple to Thy plan!
(1, 0) 122 O God, the little children thank Thee!
(Father) Who walks beside the Queen?
(Maiden) Someone who leads her by the hand towards the throne.
(1, 0) 125 Poor man!
(1, 0) 126 He looks so tired!
(Mother) Who is it leads her by the hand towards her throne?
(Maiden) O lover of some lonely maid, what shall we give, whose loneliness is done?
(1, 0) 175 You have made all the people glad.
(1, 0) 176 Please—will you let me kiss you?