The Crowning of Peace

Cue-sheet for Crowd

(Child) Will it be long before she comes?
(Queen) O ye, who have been my people, is it your common will that I take the throne once more?
(1, 0) 140 Yes!
(1, 0) 141 Our common will!
(Mother) O Queen, it is our common prayer!
(Father) Friends, is that the whole of his deserving?
(1, 0) 187 No!
(1, 0) 188 Let him speak again!
(Father) You went the way of sorrows and found our Queen.
(Young Man) You grant my heart's desire?
(1, 0) 192 Yes!
(1, 0) 193 Readily!
(Young Man) If you would give me my heart's desire, give me to know this little child shall never go the way I went; give me to know that women shall no more weep for men who die before the hour; give me to know that I have truly carried out the task you set me; give me to know that the long red riot of the world is done!
(Queen) Am I, indeed, the people's Queen?
(1, 0) 200 You are our Queen!
(1, 0) 201 You are our Queen!