Woman of Flowers

Ciw-restr ar gyfer Hlin

(Arianrhod) Once again there's a war to be fought.
(Blodeuwedd) Let's go to welcome him.
(1, 1) 390 INTERLUDE
(Arianrhod) Women take in strays and strangers.
(Blodeuwedd) We lay claim to life – and to make love is to be free.
(1, 2) 484 INTERLUDE
(Arianrhod) Three days ago I woke and the cub was gone.
(Blodeuwedd) Before nightfall.
(2, 1) 659 INTERLUDE
(Arianrhod) Deep in my mind I see them ride
(Blodeuwedd) And she might get the companion that she's craved.
(4, 2) 1686 EPILOGUE