The Village Wizard

Ciw-restr ar gyfer Morgan

(Merlin) {Holding up a partly-made pair of black trousers.}
(1, 0) 104 I just came in to say "Good morning" to Merlin, Mr. Jones.
(1, 0) 105 I─I thought I should find him alone.
(Josiah) Man is never alone, my young friend─the All-seeing Eye follows him everywhere.
(Josiah) I hope you are well, Mr. Morgans, and that you find business flourishing?
(1, 0) 108 It might be better.
(1, 0) 109 It is up-hill work, Mr. Jones.
(1, 0) 110 Opposition is so keen, and─and─so unfair.
(Josiah) It is the way of some people to set their failures down to the evil ways of others, and not to their own shortcomings.
(1, 0) 116 I am ready to work my hands off, but what is the use?
(1, 0) 117 At every turn I am met by unscrupulous trickery─by men who cut the ground from under my feet, and snatch the fruits of my labour from me.
(Josiah) If you 'ould work as well as you do talk, you 'ould get on better.
(Josiah) You ought to be in the ministry, telling people what to do, and not bothering to do it yourself.
(1, 0) 120 I know you don't believe in me─you don't give me credit for anything.
(1, 0) 121 Indeed, I am trying my best, Mr. Jones.
(Nan) {Merrily.}
(Nan) Oh!─Mr. Morgan─l didn't know you were here.
(1, 0) 132 I─I just dropt in to see Merlin.
(Josiah) Anne, my girl, you had better go in.
(1, 0) 163 Yes─of course─how much does he want?
(Nan) You have said something now.
(1, 0) 168 If I have, the fault is yours─{whispers}─your eyes bewitch me.
(1, 0) 169 Josian
(1, 0) 171 I'm afraid there's more than one poet in the room, Mr. Morgans.
(Nan) {With a mischievous glance at Morgan and Merlin.}
(Josiah) That is how it is─you understand?
(1, 0) 199 The sentiment does you honour, sir.
(1, 0) 200 Merlin is a favourite with everybody, and, if anything happened to him, there wouldn't be one in the parish without a tear for him.
(Josiah) Yes─yes─and you can't go against the public feeling.
(Josiah) Bad, as usual, I suppose?
(1, 0) 208 I am beginning to hope that my luck has turned.
(Josiah) Turn your money, did you, with the new moon?
(Josiah) May I ask you the nature of it?
(1, 0) 214 It is kind of you to interest yourself in my affairs.
(1, 0) 215 The truth is, I am about to buy more suitable premises for my business.
(Josiah) {Quickly.}
(Josiah) It will grieve me very much if it is.
(1, 0) 219 I hope not, I am sure.
(1, 0) 220 If you want it, I shall have to go to the wall.
(1, 0) 221 Will you tell me where the place you want is?
(Josiah) {Imsinuatingly.}
(Josiah) {Smiles pleasantly.}
(1, 0) 226 It is in Market Square─near the Bank.
(Josiah) Dear me, that is very unlucky.
(1, 0) 230 Always my luck!
(Josiah) Come you, don't be downhearted.
(Josiah) If you want it very bad, give me £50, and I'll leave it to you.
(1, 0) 233 Good gracious, Mr. Jones, I haven't got it.
(1, 0) 234 It has taken me years to save enough to buy the house, and I must give it up if you are going to bid against me.
(Josiah) Ah, my young friend, you don't understand business.
(Josiah) The house is good security.
(1, 0) 240 You are very kind.
(1, 0) 241 I will accept the loan with gratitude.
(Josiah) These are bad times, Mr. Morgans, and money is hard to get.
(Josiah) Shall we say 6 per cent?
(1, 0) 244 I am in your hands.
(1, 0) 245 You see, sir, with these offices I shall be more in the eye of the public, and shall soon increase my business, and pay back the loan.
(1, 0) 246 I have been too poor to make any sort of a show, but now things will be different; and if they turn out as I expect {eagerly} I hope you won't give me the same answer as you did last time─when─when─I─spoke to you about Nan.
(Josiah) {Playfully.}
(1, 0) 250 I beg your pardon, sir, I ought not to have called her Nan.
(Josiah) That is twice you have done the same thing in less than a minute.
(Josiah) You are very forgetful, Mr. Morgans, and a good memory a business man is bound to have, if he is going to climb the ladder to the top.
(1, 0) 253 I won't offend again.
(1, 0) 254 But I am very fond of Nan {confused}─Miss Jones, I should say.
(1, 0) 255 If it was a matter of business, I should remember better.
(Josiah) But it is a matter of business, and I tell you now what I told you before─
(Josiah) When you can make £50 in five minutes, the same as I have done, you can ask me for my daughter, and I won't say "No."
(1, 0) 258 But─
(Josiah) Not another word, if you please.
(1, 0) 266 I believe he's done me!
(Nan) {Runs up to him, puts her hand on his arm.}
(1, 0) 270 It's all up, Nan.
(1, 0) 271 It's no use fighting any longer.
(1, 0) 272 Your father is dead against me.
(1, 0) 273 He has been my enemy all through, just because I love you.
(Nan) What has he been saying, now?
(Nan) What has he been saying, now?
(1, 0) 275 Oh, the old story.
(1, 0) 276 I am only a fool to be plucked by the rooks─not fit for the responsibilities of a home.
(Nan) He didn't say that?
(1, 0) 279 No, but he meant it.
(1, 0) 280 He made an impossible condition─just to have the pleasure of laughing at me.
(Nan) {Earnestly.}
(Nan) Success in business is everything to him, and he only meant to encourage you─I am sure.
(1, 0) 284 How am I to get £50 in five minutes?
(Nan) {Opening her eyes wide with astonishment.}
(Nan) There is nothing he can't do─nothing he won't do for me.
(1, 0) 301 And would it please you very much, Nan {looking into her eyes} if─if─we could somehow─if Merlin could help us to win your father's consent?
(Nan) {In a low voice.}
(1, 0) 305 Then nothing matters!
(1, 0) 306 We'll find a way.
(1, 0) 316 Tell him, if you like.
(1, 0) 317 As long as Nan cares for me, I don't care a rap─
(Merlin) "Rap," indeed!
(Merlin) All the same, Josiah Jones have done you fine this time.
(1, 0) 322 How do you know?
(Merlin) {Holding up inky fingers.}
(1, 0) 331 He did.
(Merlin) Shame─shame!
(1, 0) 335 No─I didn't.
(Merlin) All right, my boy─don't trouble any more about it.
(Merlin) He can't get a ha'penny out of you.
(1, 0) 338 But I can't go back on my word.
(Merlin) You can't go straight with a man like that.
(Merlin) But there, she is like me─like my sister Jane, her mother, I mean.
(1, 0) 343 Don't talk about her, Merlin.
(1, 0) 344 You make me mad!
(1, 0) 345 He will always stand between us.
(Merlin) He 'ould let you have her to-morrow, and make a partner of you─if─
(1, 0) 348 I know─if I would do his dirty work for him.
(1, 0) 349 I'll never do it─never! never!
(Merlin) {Pats him on the back with an approving smile.}
(Merlin) Do you want to break her heart?
(1, 0) 356 No, I don't.
(1, 0) 357 You know I would do anything for her─short of soiling my hands.