The Crowning of Peace

Cue-sheet for Young Man

(Child) Will it be long before she comes?
(Queen) I gladly take the throne.
(1, 0) 163 So, then—at last—my task is done!
(Queen) A task well done!
(Father) Say now what you would ask of us.
(1, 0) 181 To eat no pauper bread.
(1, 0) 182 To labour while I may.
(1, 0) 183 To sit a little in the sun and talk with friends.
(Father) You do not ask enough.
(Father) Ask now your heart's desire.
(1, 0) 191 You grant my heart's desire?
(Crowd) Yes!
(Crowd) Readily!
(1, 0) 194 If you would give me my heart's desire, give me to know this little child shall never go the way I went; give me to know that women shall no more weep for men who die before the hour; give me to know that I have truly carried out the task you set me; give me to know that the long red riot of the world is done!
(Queen) Speak!
(1, 0) 203 I bore this as your servant, and, as your servant, I lay it at your feet.
(1, 0) 205 Come, friends, let us now pledge allegiance.
(1, 0) 207 With all my heart, for all my days, I bind myself to you!