Woman of Flowers, Blodeuwedd

Ciw-restr ar gyfer Llew

(1, 0) 5 Ho – one of you!
(1, 0) 7 Are the horses ready?
(Servant) The horses and the men are ready.
(Servant) And your gifts – the weapons of gold, the embroidered silk.
(1, 0) 10 And where is she?
(Servant) In her chamber with her maids.
(Servant) Embroidering and listening to the bard's harp.
(1, 0) 13 Go to her, and tell her this:
(1, 0) 14 We'll set out now while three hours of daylight still remain.
(1, 0) 15 Gwydion and all the soldiers shall accompany me.
(1, 0) 16 She must hurry if she wants to say goodbye.
(Servant) I will.
(Servant) {He goes}
(1, 0) 19 Oh my uncle and foster father
(1, 0) 20 You won't find a man more wretched than me
(1, 0) 21 In the whole of Gwynedd.
(Gwydion) Quiet with your prattle and self pity.
(Gwydion) Quiet with your prattle and self pity.
(1, 0) 23 You won't find a man more wretched in the whole world.
(1, 0) 24 With my mother's hatred and her curse a plague upon me
(1, 0) 25 From the day of my birth to this.
(1, 0) 26 Her hate and her wrath have snarled my destiny.
(Gwydion) You dare say that – you who have been granted the greatest friendship of all.
(Gwydion) Shame on you!
(1, 0) 34 No one could have wished for a better friend than you, Gwydion.
(Gwydion) No.
(Gwydion) You whose own mother would have destroyed you had I not intervened.
(1, 0) 42 A mother's loathing outweighs an uncle's love.
(Gwydion) How is that?
(Gwydion) She destined that you may never find a wife born of man, I spun for you from wild flowers a maiden better than an eye has seen.
(1, 0) 49 But I still haven't escaped my mother's vengeance.
(1, 0) 50 Blodeuwedd is not like other women.
(Gwydion) Indeed.
(Gwydion) In all my great span of spell making I've loved many a girl and beast – and never yet did I find one woman to be like another.
(1, 0) 53 Listen, Gwydion, she has no children.
(Gwydion) You're lucky. The last child I had... was a wolf.
(Gwydion) You're lucky. The last child I had... was a wolf.
(1, 0) 55 How can I ever forget that shimmering morning
(1, 0) 56 When I first saw her. You and Math crossing the lawn
(1, 0) 57 And between you, naked as that dawn itself,
(1, 0) 58 The dew still glistening on her white breasts,
(1, 0) 59 Breasts as pure as a snowdrop's petals
(1, 0) 60 When the night furls their swell, she walked.
(1, 0) 61 The soul of that virgin spring in a flawless mould of flesh.
(1, 0) 62 I looked at her, and she at me.
(1, 0) 63 I clothed her nakedness with kisses
(1, 0) 64 And these arms, these lusting arms,
(1, 0) 65 Which had been empty for so long,
(1, 0) 66 Encircled her like stays of steel.
(Gwydion) The same old story.
(Gwydion) In these arms I've held a range of females, and believe me lad, on a warm spring morning it's the same feel to the softest girl's skin and a hog's hide.
(1, 0) 69 But Gwydion, she was cold, so cold.
(1, 0) 70 This heart that beat against her breast seeking warmth,
(1, 0) 71 Shattered like glass on flint. I've never seen
(1, 0) 72 A trace of a blush upon her cheeks, only a pallid glow, like that
(1, 0) 73 Of the moon casting its random light
(1, 0) 74 On the world below.
(1, 0) 75 Her very blood is alien, strange... one foul night
(1, 0) 76 Of gales and sleeting rain, she ran
(1, 0) 77 From my bed and into the storm's rage.
(1, 0) 78 I followed - full of suspicion and anger
(1, 0) 79 Beneath my cloak a sword. But no one came to her.
(1, 0) 80 Not even the wolves were out on such a night
(1, 0) 81 Yet there she was, dancing to the tempest's fury.
(Gwydion) You can't cleave a creature from its kindred.
(Gwydion) You can't cleave a creature from its kindred.
(1, 0) 83 I was frightened and called out.
(1, 0) 84 But she didn't hear.
(1, 0) 85 And with the wind lashing trees and splintering boughs
(1, 0) 86 I was lost in a fearful world
(1, 0) 87 Where the only things that held their own
(1, 0) 88 Were rock and rain, the stormy dark,
(1, 0) 89 And her, Blodeuwedd. I ran after her,
(1, 0) 90 Shouted louder, grasped her arm...
(1, 0) 91 "You've caught me" she said, suddenly sad
(1, 0) 92 Like a child woken from some distant dream
(1, 0) 93 "You've caught me. Let's go home."
(1, 0) 94 And I saw, in that night's storm
(1, 0) 95 That I had no place in her life.
(Gwydion) Here's Blodeuwedd
(Gwydion) Here's Blodeuwedd
(1, 0) 98 Why does a heart of ice
(1, 0) 99 Lie beneath a breast
(1, 0) 100 That excites desire like the first sun of summer.
(Blodeuwedd) Lord, I received your message.
(Blodeuwedd) Lord, I received your message.
(1, 0) 102 Yes lady, we must go.
(Blodeuwedd) And Gwydion too?
(Blodeuwedd) And Gwydion too?
(1, 0) 104 Gwydion too.
(Blodeuwedd) The day is short, and soon it will be night.
(Blodeuwedd) To spend tonight without you.
(1, 0) 108 You won't be alone.
(1, 0) 109 You have maids, and many servants.
(Blodeuwedd) I've never parted from you before;
(Blodeuwedd) Being left here frightens me.
(1, 0) 112 Since when?
(Blodeuwedd) My spirit is restless. Nothing good will come
(Blodeuwedd) The sun will speed your journey to Caer Dathal.
(1, 0) 116 No. Everyone is ready, we must go,
(1, 0) 117 For Math the king expects us.
(Blodeuwedd) {Turning to GWYDION}
(Servant) Mounted in readiness.
(1, 0) 155 Good.
(1, 0) 156 Come friend, it's time to leave.
(Gwydion) Farewell lady. I am an old man.
(Blodeuwedd) In my bones I feel that this portends some ill.
(1, 0) 171 My life can't be ruled on a girl's whim.
(Blodeuwedd) I know the seasons better than you.
(Blodeuwedd) Why shouldn't I also read the seasons of a man?
(1, 0) 175 Don't be afraid. I am destined
(1, 0) 176 That no harm will easily befall me.
(1, 0) 177 And you be wise.
(1, 0) 178 Don't stray too far from home.
(1, 0) 179 Don't let the woodlands tempt you out at dusk,
(1, 0) 180 But stay among my people here,
(1, 0) 181 With your maids.
(1, 0) 182 Be your best Blodeuwedd
(1, 0) 183 I'll only be three days.
(1, 0) 184 Farewell, farewell.
(Rhagnell) Blodeuwedd, my lady, why this despair?
(Rhagnell) Here's the Master.
(2, 0) 708 I've arrived sooner than expected?
(Rhagnell) No. My Lord.
(Rhagnell) And I ran to give my mistress the good news.
(2, 0) 712 I sped on ahead of my soldiers
(2, 0) 713 To see Blodeuwedd first.
(Blodeuwedd) {Going to him}
(Blodeuwedd) Here I am.
(2, 0) 716 My fair, my flawless wife.
(Blodeuwedd) You journeyed safely?
(Blodeuwedd) You journeyed safely?
(2, 0) 718 Today the wonder of your beauty is the same
(2, 0) 719 As on that first morning, when the dew
(2, 0) 720 Glistened in your footsteps. Fair wife
(2, 0) 721 I didn't know the power of your spell
(2, 0) 722 Until I felt the loss.
(Blodeuwedd) You never been away from me before.
(Blodeuwedd) You never been away from me before.
(2, 0) 724 Nor will I again until I die.
(Blodeuwedd) Pray that be true.
(Blodeuwedd) Pray that be true.
(2, 0) 726 What did you do while I was away?
(Blodeuwedd) Ask Rhagnell. Tell him, woman.
(Rhagnell) To all my questions was "My Lord has left".
(2, 0) 739 Oh, wife, why wasn't I
(2, 0) 740 Allowed to come to know you before.
(Blodeuwedd) Put aside past doubts. Let this reunion
(Blodeuwedd) Seal a new marriage between us.
(2, 0) 744 I believed you cold, uncaring.
(2, 0) 745 I didn't know you could weep
(2, 0) 746 And blur those bright eyes with tears of longing.
(2, 0) 747 Why did you keep from me till now this tenderness?
(Blodeuwedd) I was given to you my Lord as bounty,
(Blodeuwedd) Nor the marks of battle beneath this breast.
(2, 0) 761 You are my wife. I hope through you
(2, 0) 762 To found a race to rule Ardudwy. I wanted
(2, 0) 763 To love you as a father loves the mother of his sons.
(2, 0) 764 What greater love than that could a man dream of?
(Blodeuwedd) I was a wife to you before I was a girl.
(Blodeuwedd) But I am the woman of flowers, Blodeuwedd.
(2, 0) 768 Woman of flowers, teach me then
(2, 0) 769 How to fight my way past the petals
(2, 0) 770 And bury myself like a bee in your core.
(2, 0) 771 I too, my love, am alone in this world.
(2, 0) 772 I was a stranger to my own mother's arms.
(2, 0) 773 She cast me from her womb before my time
(2, 0) 774 Then persecuted me. In my life
(2, 0) 775 I'd never tasted a kiss, before yours,
(2, 0) 776 Nor a girl's arms around my neck.
(2, 0) 777 I never knew a brother or sister's tenderness.
(2, 0) 778 I have such longing for your love, girl.
(2, 0) 779 Teach me how to love you in your way
(2, 0) 780 For shouldn't love attract love
(2, 0) 781 And one heart fire another? My wife, my world,
(2, 0) 782 Why do you keep yourself from me?
(Blodeuwedd) I don't my love, I have never
(Blodeuwedd) Kept any part of me from you.
(2, 0) 785 You gave our body, but kept your soul.
(Blodeuwedd) I gave you my trust. You're the only one
(Blodeuwedd) If you were killed, leaving me without a mate?
(2, 0) 789 Was it true what Rhagnell said about you weeping?
(2, 0) 791 Blodeuwedd, look at me. Answer me.
(2, 0) 792 Why don't you answer? Tell me, are you well?
(Blodeuwedd) The day you left me
(Blodeuwedd) That never again would I see you alive.
(2, 0) 796 Was your love for me so great?
(Blodeuwedd) I have no family but you.
(Blodeuwedd) I have no family but you.
(2, 0) 798 Half my soul, now I know your love,
(2, 0) 799 Henceforth life will sing to me sweetly.
(2, 0) 800 Your company will be contentment. We two
(2, 0) 801 Shall raise a race in Ardudwy.
(2, 0) 802 Fertility will gird our future
(2, 0) 803 And young saplings will grow
(2, 0) 804 In this oak's shadow.
(2, 0) 805 We'll be like a sheltered orchard
(2, 0) 806 Our love a palisade between us
(2, 0) 807 And the chill winds of loneliness.
(2, 0) 808 My wife, you'll be an exile no longer.
(2, 0) 809 I'll be your kith and kin. And unless I'm killed...
(Blodeuwedd) If you were killed?
(Blodeuwedd) If you were killed?
(2, 0) 811 My sweetest, don't be sad.
(2, 0) 812 Don't be afraid. Killing me isn't easy.
(2, 0) 813 I'm fated that my death
(2, 0) 814 Is unlikely by the hand of any man.
(Blodeuwedd) You're reckless and neglectful.
(Blodeuwedd) Need never again be weighed with worry.
(2, 0) 820 I'll tell you gladly. A full year must be spent
(2, 0) 821 Making the spear which is to strike me.
(2, 0) 822 It may only be fashioned at the time
(2, 0) 823 Of Sacrifice at Sunday Mass.
(Blodeuwedd) You're certain of this?
(Blodeuwedd) You're certain of this?
(2, 0) 825 Quite certain.
(2, 0) 826 Neither can I be killed inside a house
(2, 0) 827 Nor on my horse. Nor with a foot upon the ground.
(2, 0) 828 I have to stand on a water trough
(2, 0) 829 That is set beside a river. Positioned so,
(2, 0) 830 And struck in the back with the poisoned spear,
(2, 0) 831 I could be killed.
(Blodeuwedd) Let God be praised. Such a fate
(Blodeuwedd) Should be easy to avoid.
(2, 0) 834 Many a time, Blodeuwedd,
(2, 0) 835 I wished my own death. But now
(2, 0) 836 I've a taste for life, as fresh
(2, 0) 837 As the first bite of an apple to a tooth.
(2, 0) 838 Your love is the throne in Caer Siddi
(2, 0) 839 Where no pain nor pestilence come to plague us.
(2, 0) 840 There I am truly king.
(2, 0) 841 No one and nothing dares dethrone me –
(2, 0) 842 Not fear, nor remorse, nor even death itself.
(2, 0) 843 For love's rule is unassailable.
(Blodeuwedd) Is there anything of Man
(Blodeuwedd) That can't be changed or challenged?
(2, 0) 846 Passion wanes, because it is fragile
(2, 0) 847 And flighty like youth itself. But love
(2, 0) 848 Grows, like an oak, strengthened by life's storms.
(2, 0) 849 Beneath its great branches flourishes
(2, 0) 850 Family, home, estates and kingdom.
(2, 0) 851 Our love, fair lady, will provide Ardudwy
(2, 0) 852 With security and strength
(2, 0) 853 We'll give commoners learning,
(2, 0) 854 We'll give our community wealth,
(2, 0) 855 We'll stand proud among princedoms
(2, 0) 856 Because of this hour's bold new bond.
(Rhagnell) Master, the water and towels are ready
(Rhagnell) Soon it will be time to eat.
(2, 0) 861 I'll come. Let's feast today
(2, 0) 862 As if at a wedding. I left here
(2, 0) 863 Three days ago with a heavy heart.
(2, 0) 864 I return today to a new found joy,
(2, 0) 865 Greater than any I've known. This day
(2, 0) 866 Has unfurled like a flag above my fortress, for
(2, 0) 867 I've found at last the meaning of a wife's loyalty.
(Blodeuwedd) Rhagnell, I tried to kill you.
(Blodeuwedd) And afterwards we'll laugh, and live as we like.
(3, 0) 1019 You're up early, lady.
(Blodeuwedd) The sunrise shimmered white this morning.
(Blodeuwedd) Like a rabbit to lap at the dew.
(3, 0) 1023 And like a rabbit you ventured out barefoot.
(Blodeuwedd) A husband notices such things. And would you
(Blodeuwedd) Make me a shoe, as you did for your mother?
(3, 0) 1026 My mother wouldn't brave the outdoors barefoot.
(3, 0) 1027 She sent servants with her foot measurements.
(Blodeuwedd) Is that the time you killed the wren
(Blodeuwedd) With a spear?
(3, 0) 1030 Not a spear. No one could transfix
(3, 0) 1031 A wren with a spear. But a cobbler's needle,
(3, 0) 1032 With that I did.
(Blodeuwedd) A needle of course. How stupid of me.
(Blodeuwedd) Tell me how you killed the wren. Tell me.
(3, 0) 1035 Gladly. But first, shouldn't you tell me
(3, 0) 1036 Why you summoned me so early from my bed?
(Blodeuwedd) The wren's story first.
(Blodeuwedd) The wren's story first.
(3, 0) 1038 No. Your story first.
(3, 0) 1039 Why did you call me here from the fort?
(Blodeuwedd) And then the tale of killing the wren?
(Blodeuwedd) And then the tale of killing the wren?
(3, 0) 1041 I promise. So what is your secret then?
(Blodeuwedd) You're so impatient. Didn't I tell you last night?
(Blodeuwedd) You're so impatient. Didn't I tell you last night?
(3, 0) 1043 You told me that you'd keep some joyous news
(3, 0) 1044 Until today, to celebrate the anniversary
(3, 0) 1045 Of my return from Math's court.
(Blodeuwedd) Your imagination is slow to wake this morning.
(Blodeuwedd) Have you been happy this last year lord?
(3, 0) 1048 How could I not have been? Your trust
(3, 0) 1049 Was a nest to me. You've been civil and sweet,
(3, 0) 1050 No longer a wild bird trapped in a cage.
(Blodeuwedd) You still fear wild things, my Llew?
(Blodeuwedd) You still fear wild things, my Llew?
(3, 0) 1052 My mother was wild. She persecuted me.
(3, 0) 1053 She taught me fear. I grew up
(3, 0) 1054 Not knowing who my own father was.
(3, 0) 1055 I hated all things wild. They're cowardly
(3, 0) 1056 And base. They stalk and strike from behind.
(3, 0) 1057 But you've been my walled and cultured garden,
(3, 0) 1058 That makes me safe. This is the first year
(3, 0) 1059 I've not feared a traitor's dagger in my back.
(Blodeuwedd) Now you've confounded all your mother's curses.
(Blodeuwedd) Now you've confounded all your mother's curses.
(3, 0) 1061 Each one she named. There was another.
(Blodeuwedd) What was that, my friend? You've had a name;
(Blodeuwedd) Despite her you've had weapons; you've had a wife.
(3, 0) 1064 When my mother decreed that I
(3, 0) 1065 Should never have a wife from womankind –
(3, 0) 1066 Though we deflected her curse and made a woman
(3, 0) 1067 Of flowers, the fairest seen by man,
(3, 0) 1068 And though wherever you stand is my sunlight
(3, 0) 1069 And having you in my arms is my night's delight
(3, 0) 1070 And for that I give praise, Blodeuwedd –
(3, 0) 1071 I still know that I'm not free from my mother's wrath.
(Blodeuwedd) I understand. But tell me, when will you
(Blodeuwedd) Be free of that curse?
(3, 0) 1074 When you give me the best news of my life.
(Blodeuwedd) And that news?
(Blodeuwedd) And that news?
(3, 0) 1076 The glorious news
(3, 0) 1077 That through you I have a son and heir.
(Blodeuwedd) And that would break your mother's hold on you?
(Blodeuwedd) And that would break your mother's hold on you?
(3, 0) 1079 My mother tried to kill me. In that she failed.
(3, 0) 1080 My birth sullied her. I personified
(3, 0) 1081 Her degradation, and was the focus
(3, 0) 1082 For all her hatred towards the world.
(3, 0) 1083 She cut me off from mankind, sundered me
(3, 0) 1084 From the carefree days of boyhood;
(3, 0) 1085 I was forbidden the very trappings
(3, 0) 1086 Of young manhood; a name, arms, a woman.
(3, 0) 1087 I had to fight against her for my sense of self.
(3, 0) 1088 Gwydion was a father to me. You now a wife.
(3, 0) 1089 King Math gave me lands for my princedom.
(3, 0) 1090 I've known the cares common to men; through you
(3, 0) 1091 This year, I've known caring. Love. The nightmare
(3, 0) 1092 Has receded and is often forgotten. But Blodeuwedd,
(3, 0) 1093 If I once saw, cradled against your breast
(3, 0) 1094 A boy, my heir, the last link in that cruel chain
(3, 0) 1095 Would fall away and I would glory
(3, 0) 1096 In being a life-giver. In fathering a future.
(Blodeuwedd) Without that you won't be happy with me?
(Blodeuwedd) Without that you won't be happy with me?
(3, 0) 1098 Without that, I'll be content. With that
(3, 0) 1099 My love and gratitude would ring a serenade around you.
(Blodeuwedd) But that wouldn't be a song in my honour.
(Blodeuwedd) If you said that –
(3, 0) 1105 I'll say it when a boy rests in your arms.
(Blodeuwedd) What fateful words! Listen to my secret.
(Blodeuwedd) I have an heir for you, here.
(3, 0) 1108 You know for certain?
(Blodeuwedd) As every woman knows.
(Blodeuwedd) As every woman knows.
(3, 0) 1110 Oh, my queen! Let the fates make it a son.
(Blodeuwedd) He is a lad, I swear it.
(Blodeuwedd) He is a lad, I swear it.
(3, 0) 1112 I never dared to think
(3, 0) 1113 Your words last night hinted at this.
(3, 0) 1114 My cup is brimful. If death itself should strike now
(3, 0) 1115 I'd not begrudge it!
(Blodeuwedd) Death strike now? Aren't you charmed against
(Blodeuwedd) Any attempt your mother might make to kill you?
(3, 0) 1118 My mother's wrath counts for nothing if I have an heir.
(3, 0) 1119 What will he be like? Imagine it my love.
(Blodeuwedd) Keen in his kissing. I can see him now,
(Blodeuwedd) And Ardudwy's halls will echo with his dancing.
(3, 0) 1124 I'll teach him his father's skill at games.
(Blodeuwedd) Will you teach him to throw a spear, and a needle?
(Blodeuwedd) Will you teach him to throw a spear, and a needle?
(3, 0) 1126 And how to row and how to make a shoe for his mother
(3, 0) 1127 So she doesn't have to go barefoot in the dew.
(Blodeuwedd) And will you tell him the story of shooting the wren?
(Blodeuwedd) And will you tell him the story of shooting the wren?
(3, 0) 1129 I can picture him now, a three year old
(3, 0) 1130 In your lap listening to Gwydion's tales.
(3, 0) 1131 How the old wizard will make the boy smile
(3, 0) 1132 With his story of our boat outside Arianrhod's keep.
(Blodeuwedd) Tell me that story, as if I were your heir.
(Blodeuwedd) Where did Gwydion stand?
(3, 0) 1136 Here, mid-deck,
(3, 0) 1137 Peering down at my mother's foot.
(Blodeuwedd) And you, the nameless youth
(Blodeuwedd) Stitching the shoe leather, where were you?
(3, 0) 1140 There in the stern.
(Blodeuwedd) Did your mother look at you?
(Blodeuwedd) Did your mother look at you?
(3, 0) 1142 Yes. Long and hard with lips pursed.
(Blodeuwedd) But without recognising you?
(Blodeuwedd) But without recognising you?
(3, 0) 1144 Gwydion had woven a spell.
(3, 0) 1145 She was beautiful, standing, her foot on the boat's rail.
(3, 0) 1146 Upright, and proud, a princess.
(Blodeuwedd) Like this? Facing out to sea? And then?
(Blodeuwedd) Like this? Facing out to sea? And then?
(3, 0) 1148 It was spring. Ten yards offshore
(3, 0) 1149 Stood on a stone sea-wall. In one of its crannies
(3, 0) 1150 The wren appeared, skipping and darting
(3, 0) 1151 In and out of the crevice. It flitted
(3, 0) 1152 Then came to rest on the boat's prow.
(Blodeuwedd) Here? Show me how it stood.
(Blodeuwedd) Here? Show me how it stood.
(3, 0) 1155 Look, like this...
(3, 0) 1158 There stand Gwydion and my mother
(3, 0) 1159 Myself back there. A moment of stillness.
(3, 0) 1160 The water's surface shimmering, not a sound...
(3, 0) 1161 The wren perches. He raises one wing
(3, 0) 1162 Like this... his head downwards. That second,
(3, 0) 1163 The needle weighted in my fingers...
(Blodeuwedd) A needle, not a spear...
(Blodeuwedd) A needle, not a spear...
(3, 0) 1165 I aimed at him...
(Gronw) Like this.
(Gwydion) And the young couple awaiting us with their welcome.
(4, 0) 1544 Where are your men, traitor?
(Gronw) All dispersed.
(Gronw) On whom to vent your wrath.
(4, 0) 1548 Is this a trick? Search every corner of this fort.
(Gwydion) And here's the handsome heir, a son of Gronw Hir,
(Gwydion) We must respect the wishes of a man condemned to die.
(4, 0) 1559 A cord of flax binds his arms;
(4, 0) 1560 He bound me with the tethers of a wife's lies.
(Gronw) What do you want lord?
(Gronw) What do you want lord?
(4, 0) 1562 Your life.
(Gronw) You have a right to that. I'll yield it gladly.
(Gronw) You have a right to that. I'll yield it gladly.
(4, 0) 1564 You spent a whole year plotting my death
(4, 0) 1565 Another full year you took possession of my bed
(4, 0) 1566 My fortress, my princedom and this half-human harpy
(4, 0) 1567 Who once passed as wife. It's not for that either
(4, 0) 1568 That I want your blood, rather because you heard
(4, 0) 1569 The greatest secret of my soul, and laughed.
(4, 0) 1570 You mocked at my misfortune – you ridiculed
(4, 0) 1571 The confession of a man ensnared by love
(4, 0) 1572 Your treachery cut you from mankind;
(4, 0) 1573 With that foul deed you cast your humanity to the swine.
(4, 0) 1574 The mark of the forest is on you. You cannot live.
(Gronw) Comrade, how will you want to kill me?
(Gronw) Comrade, how will you want to kill me?
(4, 0) 1576 Uncle Gwydion, what shall we do with him?
(Gwydion) This afternoon, we'll go together, the three of us
(Gronw) Thank you, Sir.
(4, 0) 1587 Take him. Hold him until this afternoon.
(Blodeuwedd) My man of magic, you've travelled far today,
(Blodeuwedd) To share the today of my empty heart.
(4, 0) 1652 Gwydion, it's true. She has been wronged.
(4, 0) 1653 She doesn't deserve today as that other does.
(Gwydion) Do you say that? I don't believe it!
(Blodeuwedd) Why should I live?
(4, 0) 1657 I came here bitter intending for you
(4, 0) 1658 A savage punishment. I see now
(4, 0) 1659 That you've always been a creature to pity.
(Blodeuwedd) You fought against your fate, I against mine;
(Blodeuwedd) We've both battled against what must be.
(4, 0) 1662 There are musts in every human marriage.
(Blodeuwedd) Different imperatives lie at the root of my passion.
(Blodeuwedd) Different imperatives lie at the root of my passion.
(4, 0) 1664 That's why I can forgive you.
(4, 0) 1665 No rational soul could love like you.
(Blodeuwedd) One tried. I gave him to you as your heir.
(Blodeuwedd) One tried. I gave him to you as your heir.
(4, 0) 1667 And he chose death to escape from you.
(Blodeuwedd) And your jealousy needs to claim his life.
(Blodeuwedd) Since you'll have no other wife of woman born?
(4, 0) 1672 I'll accept my destiny
(4, 0) 1673 And make a nest of my sorrows.
(Blodeuwedd) I hear your mother's triumphant laugh.
(Blodeuwedd) I hear your mother's triumphant laugh.
(4, 0) 1675 You don't hear her sobbing in the night.
(Blodeuwedd) You hearth will be arid, your bed ever cold.
(Blodeuwedd) You hearth will be arid, your bed ever cold.
(4, 0) 1677 We're all exiles. The world's a cold hearth.
(4, 0) 1678 I'll join the army of bitter souls.
(Blodeuwedd) It's your destiny that you'll never know love.
(Blodeuwedd) It's your destiny that you'll never know love.
(4, 0) 1680 The love I could achieve, I gave to you.
(Blodeuwedd) A small residue of your copious self pity.
(Blodeuwedd) A small residue of your copious self pity.
(4, 0) 1682 I put my life in your hands. You betrayed it.
(Blodeuwedd) So I could gain a life myself.
(Blodeuwedd) Take your revenge.
(4, 0) 1685 I can't. You may walk from here, freely.
(Blodeuwedd) How gracious is my lord. I may go freely –
(Blodeuwedd) ;
(4, 0) 1690 This afternoon I'll go to the goat trough.
(4, 0) 1691 Myself with Gwydion and Gronw Pebr of Penllyn.
(4, 0) 1692 Will you come with us to laugh as before?