The Rabbit

Ciw-restr ar gyfer Tag

(Mal) Fucks sake Rhys...
(Garan) Dav sniffs then turns immediately towards Tag.
(2, 0) 654 Good Morning.
(Dav) Stocky... curly.
(2, 0) 657 What?
(2, 0) 658 I'm looking for the owner.
(2, 0) 660 I said─
(Garan) ─I am the farmer.
(Garan) ─I am the farmer.
(2, 0) 662 Good.
(Garan) How did you get past the dogs?
(Garan) How did you get past the dogs?
(2, 0) 664 I didn't see any dogs.
(2, 0) 665 Are there any?
(Garan) There should have been something.
(Garan) There should have been something.
(2, 0) 667 Sorry?
(Garan) There should have been something.
(Garan) There should have been something.
(2, 0) 669 Ah well.
(2, 0) 672 Alright there?
(2, 0) 673 Beautiful day today.
(Dav) Storm later.
(Dav) Storm later.
(2, 0) 676 I can't see any clouds.
(Garan) You're standing on a peninsula.
(Garan) The weather can change very quickly.
(2, 0) 680 I know what peninsula means.
(Garan) What is it you want?
(Garan) What is it you want?
(2, 0) 682 I've come to buy your farm.
(Garan) What makes you think that it's mine to sell?
(Garan) What makes you think that it's mine to sell?
(2, 0) 684 You did say that you are the farmer.
(Garan) Yes.
(Garan) Yes I did, didn't I?
(2, 0) 687 I─
(Garan) My sons farm here now.
(Garan) I think, maybe, you should talk to them.
(2, 0) 690 No.
(2, 0) 691 I believe I have my man.
(Garan) What have you been told?
(Garan) What have you been told?
(2, 0) 693 That this farm is for sale in lieu of death duty.
(2, 0) 694 A price has been set, or soon will be, and that if that price can be met then you will be obliged to accept that offer.
(Garan) Where did you hear this?
(Garan) Where did you hear this?
(2, 0) 696 Some pub out there somewhere.
(Garan) I see.
(Garan) Do you like roses?
(2, 0) 701 Yes, they are pretty.
(Garan) I like to think that they're beautiful.
(Garan) Too long for them to end up just pretty, wouldn't you say?
(2, 0) 706 No, they are remarkable.
(2, 0) 707 Your estate agent should mention them to prospective buyers.
(Garan) They go where I go.
(Dav) Smell you a mile away.
(2, 0) 711 What do you mean?
(Garan) How much are you willing to offer for this property?
(Garan) How much are you willing to offer for this property?
(2, 0) 714 I'd say around four hundred and eighty four thousand pounds, give or take.
(Garan) That seems very exact.
(Garan) That seems very exact.
(2, 0) 719 My judgement usually is.
(Garan) You need to be careful.
(Garan) Very difficult indeed.
(2, 0) 723 This is farming you're talking about here.
(Garan) I don't know any other business.
(Garan) If you intend farming then you must have too much money, because there isn't any to be made I can tell you that.
(2, 0) 726 Well cocaine's out of fashion for the moment.
(2, 0) 727 I might as well spend it on a farm.
(Garan) So you say.
(Garan) My eldest son joined the army because he couldn't see any future in it.
(2, 0) 731 I don't think money is a motivation for joining the army.
(Garan) Part of it was the challenge I believe.
(Garan) Part of it was the challenge I believe.
(2, 0) 733 Then why didn't he try running a farm?
(Garan) Your point is well made Mr Cooper, very well made.
(Garan) Your point is well made Mr Cooper, very well made.
(2, 0) 735 So you know who I am?
(Garan) I know a stranger called Mr Cooper is staying at The Black Horse.
(Garan) It's a quiet time of year anyway.
(2, 0) 739 What else do you know about me?
(Garan) Oh nothing really.
(Garan) And one of them is a bit interested.
(2, 0) 750 I know one of your sons.
(2, 0) 751 He─
(Garan) ─Rhys, you mean.
(Garan) Kept for the funeral.
(2, 0) 761 Where's Rhys?
(Garan) He wants no more to do with you.
(Garan) He wants no more to do with you.
(2, 0) 763 In the house maybe?
(Garan) I─
(Garan) I─
(2, 0) 765 I asked you a question.
(Garan) There has been no agreement to sell.
(Garan) There has been no agreement to sell.
(2, 0) 767 But there is an agreement.
(Garan) I don't understand.
(Garan) I don't understand.
(2, 0) 769 Rhys has a large sum of money that belongs to me.
(Garan) Four hundred and eighty four thousand pounds.
(Garan) Four hundred and eighty four thousand pounds.
(2, 0) 771 Give or take.
(2, 0) 772 By the end of today I will have my money or the deeds to this property.
(Garan) My wife and I set a price closer to one million not three months ago.
(Garan) Your only alternative is to talk to my sons.
(2, 0) 777 I shall.
(2, 0) 778 Don't worry.
(Garan) This is Mr Cooper, Sian.
(Sian) What were you saying to Garan then?
(2, 0) 788 What kind of way is that to say hello?
(Sian) Hello.
(Sian) What did you say?
(2, 0) 792 Told him I wanted to buy the farm.
(Sian) ─You were winding him up you mean.
(Sian) ─You were winding him up you mean.
(2, 0) 794 Just a little.
(2, 0) 795 Felt a bit frisky after the journey.
(Sian) Burying his wife tomorrow.
(Sian) Burying his wife tomorrow.
(2, 0) 797 Fuckin' hell.
(Sian) His mother.
(Sian) His mother.
(2, 0) 800 Sorry, but he is a big boy.
(Sian) It's alright, Dav.
(Sian) What did you do that for?
(2, 0) 808 Sorry.
(2, 0) 809 Passion got the better of me.
(2, 0) 810 Don't know my own strength.
(Sian) No, you don't.
(Sian) No, you don't.
(2, 0) 815 Pleased to see me?
(Sian) Of course.
(Sian) Good journey?
(2, 0) 818 Not bad.
(2, 0) 819 Rikeman kept phoning every five minutes…
(Sian) Rikeman?!
(Sian) Rikeman?!
(2, 0) 821 Doesn't seem to understand what I'm doing here.
(2, 0) 822 He usually sorts out this sort of thing.
(Sian) Rikeman would kill Rhys.
(Sian) Rikeman would kill Rhys.
(2, 0) 826 Amongst other things.
(2, 0) 827 I told him I'd come to collect.
(Sian) Oh.
(Sian) Where is he?
(2, 0) 837 Who?
(Sian) Rikeman.
(Sian) Rikeman.
(2, 0) 839 London.
(2, 0) 840 I think.
(Sian) You think?
(Sian) You think?
(2, 0) 842 What's the problem, Sian?
(Sian) I don't want him down here.
(Sian) You won't need him.
(2, 0) 845 I haven't asked him.
(2, 0) 848 I can always ring him.
(2, 0) 849 Find out where he is.
(Sian) Could you?
(Sian) I'd feel so much better.
(2, 0) 855 Alright?
(2, 0) 856 Where are you... right.
(2, 0) 857 I can hear a train... why Kentish town?
(2, 0) 858 Aah..
(2, 0) 859 No I don't need any help here...
(2, 0) 862 You're breaking up, call you back, yeh?
(2, 0) 864 Now we know where Rikeman is.
(2, 0) 865 What about the lovely Rhys?
(Sian) Mumma's death came as a shock.
(Sian) You know he had to go straight away.
(2, 0) 868 It would have taken him an hour to deliver the cash, a short trip across town.
(2, 0) 869 That's all.
(Sian) He could always steal some more for you.
(Sian) He could always steal some more for you.
(2, 0) 871 So he has spent it.
(Sian) No, no.
(Dav) Four, five hundred thou' odd.
(2, 0) 876 There you go.
(Sian) And it's me and the money?
(Sian) I've been seeing Rhys since school.
(2, 0) 880 Well you should have grown out of him by now.
(2, 0) 881 I'll let him go solo.
(Sian) No, he can't.
(Sian) He's stopped.
(2, 0) 884 Sorry Sian, but he stole that money for me.
(Sian) I'm his girlfriend.
(Sian) Who are you stealing for?
(2, 0) 887 That's different.
(2, 0) 888 This is business.
(2, 0) 889 I know about the farm, the death duty and everything else.
(2, 0) 890 Go find Rhys.
(Sian) I don't know where he is.
(Sian) I don't know where he is.
(2, 0) 892 I'm sure you've got a fair guess.
(2, 0) 893 Tell him I'll be waiting for him here.
(2, 0) 894 With one of the local boyos to look after me.
(Sian) But─
(Sian) But─
(2, 0) 896 Ten minutes.
(2, 0) 897 Then we'll come looking for him ourselves.
(2, 0) 906 You can clean it if you like.
(2, 0) 907 Seeing as you're doing your own.
(2, 0) 909 Walther PPK.
(2, 0) 910 Just like James Bond.
(Dav) Cleans itself.
(Dav) Cleans itself.
(2, 0) 912 What?
(Dav) Water pistol.
(Dav) Cleans itself.
(2, 0) 916 Rhys has told me all about you.
(2, 0) 918 Oh don't worry.
(2, 0) 919 All good things.
(2, 0) 920 Not really that daft, are you?
(2, 0) 921 Could do yourself a favour though.
(2, 0) 922 That's if you want to come across as being really smart.
(2, 0) 924 It helps your reading if it's the right way around.
(2, 0) 925 And, if you really want to keep up with the world, make sure the paper isn't three weeks out of date.
(2, 0) 929 Rikeman.
(2, 0) 930 Where are you... sorry how are you?
(2, 0) 935 For some reason I need to know where you are...
(2, 0) 936 No, I don't need you...
(2, 0) 937 I'm in Wales, babysitting.
(2, 0) 939 No I can't let you sort this one out.
(2, 0) 940 You'd draw attention to yourself.
(2, 0) 941 If you go round clubbing people to death in friendly greeting they'll be, I don't know, saying scary stuff in Welsh about you.
(2, 0) 942 I haven't forgotten about that Irish job, Rikeman.
(2, 0) 943 Collect some money I said.
(2, 0) 944 Slaughter an entire fuckin' family, man, women and child, is what you did.
(2, 0) 945 The wrong fuckin' family as it happens.
(2, 0) 946 It said in the papers that even the dog had been blown away.
(2, 0) 947 Now I've never been howled at in an identity parade.
(2, 0) 948 How about you?
(2, 0) 949 ~
(2, 0) 950 I know O'Reilly's a common surname, but when I sent you over there I didn't tell you to kill all the O'Reillys in fuckin' Dublin.
(2, 0) 951 I didn't tell you to kill anyone.
(2, 0) 952 And I'm still waiting for a result on that job.
(2, 0) 953 Hello...
(2, 0) 954 Rikeman...
(2, 0) 955 Oh fuck!
(2, 0) 957 Where's Rhys?
(Dav) Kissed Sian.
(Dav) Kissed Sian.
(2, 0) 959 Only a little one.
(2, 0) 960 Sometimes you have to do that for friends.
(Dav) Are you a gangster?
(Dav) Are you a gangster?
(2, 0) 962 No.
(2, 0) 963 I'm self employed.
(Dav) Mal self employed.
(Dav) Mal self employed.
(2, 0) 965 Yeh?
(Dav) Yeh.
(Dav) Rhys a gangster.
(2, 0) 969 Is he?
(Dav) Richard said.
(Dav) Gangsters steal things.
(2, 0) 973 They do more than steal things.
(Dav) Well then.
(Dav) Well then.
(2, 0) 975 What?
(Dav) Rhys work on the farm.
(Dav) Richard said, anyway.
(2, 0) 981 Worked on the farm and stealed things, eh?
(2, 0) 982 What kind of things?
(Dav) Can't remember.
(Dav) Police sometimes.
(2, 0) 989 They arrest him?
(Dav) Never get past Mumma.
(Mal) He never stole more than we needed.
(2, 0) 1001 Who could want more?
(2, 0) 1005 What's on your arm?
(Mal) Now?
(Mal) Bat's eye and we'd have some black magic.
(2, 0) 1009 God.
(Dav) She alright?
(Dav) Looks like one.
(2, 0) 1024 Watch it.
(2, 0) 1025 So you're Mal, eh?
(Dav) Says a gangster does more than steal things, Mal.
(Mal) Do you do more than just steal things, Mr Cooper?
(2, 0) 1028 You watch too much television.
(2, 0) 1029 You do have a television don't you?
(2, 0) 1033 If it's a bad film then it's got gangsters, you know, fettucini, jellied eels and stuff.
(2, 0) 1034 Gangsters go mental at the smallest insult, then fall to bits if their mother hears them swearing.
(2, 0) 1035 All bollocks.
(2, 0) 1036 You know the best film with a thief in it?
(2, 0) 1039 Bambi.
(2, 0) 1041 Didn't you see the thief?
(2, 0) 1044 Exactly.
(2, 0) 1045 You never see a good thief.
(Dav) What's a Bambi, Mal?
(Dav) What's a Bambi, Mal?
(2, 0) 1050 The last half hour is right up your street.
(2, 0) 1051 You'd love Bambi.
(2, 0) 1055 Irish?
(Mal) Welsh.
(Mal) Make it from carrots mostly.
(2, 0) 1063 Smells, yes.
(Dav) Moron.
(Mal) That's the difference is it, Dav?
(2, 0) 1069 What did you say?
(Mal) He said 'moron' Mr Cooper.
(Mal) Why?
(2, 0) 1078 Wait a minute.
(2, 0) 1079 I've known Sian for─
(Dav) Got a gun, he has.
(Mal) Wonder what Sian sees in him?
(2, 0) 1084 Very funny.
(2, 0) 1085 Where's Rhys.
(2, 0) 1086 Sian was going to get him for me.
(Mal) Sian running around after Rhys for you.
(Mal) Wonder why?
(2, 0) 1089 Listen─
(Mal) If you were a fox in a field full of rabbits, would you go for them?
(Mal) If you were a fox in a field full of rabbits, would you go for them?
(2, 0) 1091 I haven't got time for this.
(Mal) Doesn't take any time to think about really.
(Dav) Easy question.
(2, 0) 1095 I don't know.
(2, 0) 1096 Am I a tired fox, or a hungry fox.
(2, 0) 1097 Maybe I'm an ill fox, a lazy fox.
(Dav) Just a fox.
(Dav) Just a fox.
(2, 0) 1099 Just a fox.
(2, 0) 1100 Then I don't know.
(2, 0) 1101 I'm not any old fox.
(Mal) Why were you kissing Sian?
(Mal) Why were you kissing Sian?
(2, 0) 1104 I wasn't kissing Sian.
(2, 0) 1105 I've known Rhys and Sian for donkey's years.
(Mal) Good friends, eh?
(Mal) Good friends, eh?
(2, 0) 1107 If you like.
(Dav) Do you like?
(Dav) Do you kiss Rhys?
(2, 0) 1115 What the fuck's that?
(Mal) Sounds like a dog in a gin trap.
(Mal) Sounds as if Father's just taken one for a walk.
(2, 0) 1121 Being a smart arse must be in the genes.
(2, 0) 1122 Where is he?
(Mal) Pig in one hand, record player in the other.
(Mal) Field with a tree especially.
(2, 0) 1127 What are you talking about?
(Mal) Father likes a brass band.
(Mal) Stay here and have another drink.
(2, 0) 1152 Fuck it.
(2, 0) 1153 He can't be far away.
(Mal) Point your gun at him, Dav.
(Mal) Point your gun at him, Dav.
(2, 0) 1159 Don't be silly.
(2, 0) 1160 A rabbit's one thing─
(Mal) Point the gun at him, Dav.
(Mal) Point the gun at him, Dav.
(2, 0) 1164 But a man?
(2, 0) 1165 That's something else.
(Mal) Point the gun at him brother.
(Mal) Pointing a gun at one of our brother's best friends.
(2, 0) 1183 Pointing an unloaded gun at one of his best friends.
(Mal) Shoot him Dav.
(Mal) Shoot him!
(2, 0) 1197 Bang.
(2, 0) 1198 Now you know how a rabbit feels, brother.
(2, 0) 1204 No, no.
(2, 0) 1205 I'm sorting this out.
(2, 0) 1206 He stole that money for me.
(2, 0) 1207 My money.
(2, 0) 1215 Sian says the old bat just dropped; dead as a brick before she hit the ground...
(2, 0) 1216 Yes, 'fuckin' sudden' as you say.
(2, 0) 1217 But people do get old and die of old age despite people like yourself.
(2, 0) 1222 Remember what I said though.
(2, 0) 1223 Don't come unless...
(2, 0) 1225 Rikeman, remember what I said, fuckin' listen to me...
(Sian) I thought you'd called him?
(Sian) I thought you'd called him?
(2, 0) 1228 He... he phoned back?
(Sian) What are you doing with the gun?
(Sian) What are you doing with the gun?
(2, 0) 1230 What gun?
(Sian) Why have a gun down here?
(Sian) Why have a gun down here?
(2, 0) 1233 Protection and persuasion.
(Sian) Guns freak me out.
(Sian) Guns freak me out.
(2, 0) 1235 You don't say.
(2, 0) 1237 I suppose you're right.
(2, 0) 1238 If you're any good you don't need one.
(2, 0) 1239 Rikeman doesn't use one, usually.
(Sian) What are you going to do now?
(Sian) What are you going to do now?
(2, 0) 1241 Find Rhys.
(2, 0) 1242 Do you know where he is?
(Sian) No.
(Sian) Garan would just like the men together.
(2, 0) 1246 I presume I'm invited.
(Sian) I wish you'd leave it.
(Sian) I wish you'd leave it.
(2, 0) 1248 You don't want to see Garan without a home.
(2, 0) 1249 Nowhere to grow his flowers or bring up his little boys.
(Sian) They don't have anywhere to go.
(Sian) They don't have anywhere to go.
(2, 0) 1251 Tag snorts.
(2, 0) 1252 This isn't a natural disaster we're talking about here.
(2, 0) 1253 A disease hasn't killed off the crops.
(2, 0) 1254 A tornado hasn't destroyed the farm.
(2, 0) 1255 It's their own fault.
(2, 0) 1256 They should have sorted it out.
(2, 0) 1259 It's bad management.
(2, 0) 1260 Simple as that.
(2, 0) 1261 If Rhys wants to save this farm then he will.
(2, 0) 1262 But it's not going to be me who funds him.
(Sian) What are you going to do now?
(Sian) What are you going to do now?
(2, 0) 1266 Go into the house and get my money.
(Sian) I'm sorry I ever asked you down here.
(Sian) I'm sorry I ever asked you down here.
(2, 0) 1268 Jesus Christ.
(2, 0) 1269 Don't you realise that by now Rikeman would be back in London, I'd have the money, and Rhys and his family would probably be dead.
(2, 0) 1270 Dead Sian.
(2, 0) 1271 Dead.
(2, 0) 1272 Now, if I walk out of that house without my money then I might still phone him.
(Sian) What's he going to think if you tell him that you can't sort little Rhys out.
(Sian) What's he going to think if you tell him that you can't sort little Rhys out.
(2, 0) 1277 He'll think whatever I tell him to─
(Sian) I've only met him once, but he didn't strike me as the kind of man you tell what to think.
(Sian) I've only met him once, but he didn't strike me as the kind of man you tell what to think.
(2, 0) 1281 You'd look a fool.
(2, 0) 1282 He'd make sure of it.
(2, 0) 1283 No one would listen to a word Tag Cooper said.
(2, 0) 1284 Ever again.
(Sian) But there is something you can do.
(Sian) But there is something you can do.
(2, 0) 1287 What's that?
(Sian) Tell Rikeman that you and Rhys have come to an agreement.
(Sian) Why can't you do that?
(2, 0) 1303 Because if you let one go you have to let them all go.
(2, 0) 1304 I'm going to get the money.
(2, 0) 1305 Then we're both leaving.
(2, 0) 1308 Go.
(2, 0) 1309 Go.
(2, 0) 1311 Pigs... brothers... roses...
(2, 0) 1317 Fuck it.
(Rhys) Alright there, Coops?
(Rhys) Alright there, Coops?
(2, 0) 1322 Lovely place.
(Rhys) The gossip can be a killer.
(Rhys) Apart from that it's alright.
(2, 0) 1327 What are you up to?
(Rhys) Been checking the beef.
(Rhys) They're all fine.
(2, 0) 1331 Your brothers...
(2, 0) 1334 What's all that with the hands?
(2, 0) 1339 What is it?
(Rhys) It's a cow.
(Rhys) So we all do.
(2, 0) 1347 Right.
(2, 0) 1350 Mal's home brew.
(2, 0) 1351 Jesus.
(Rhys) Wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy.
(Rhys) Wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy.
(2, 0) 1353 I would.
(2, 0) 1354 Veg looks good in the basket.
(2, 0) 1355 Good soil.
(Rhys) Look forward to working it.
(Rhys) Look forward to working it.
(2, 0) 1358 How was the job?
(Rhys) Easy enough.
(Rhys) Easy enough.
(2, 0) 1360 Thought so.
(Rhys) It was a good job to retire on.
(Rhys) What are you doing here?
(2, 0) 1363 I was invited.
(2, 0) 1364 Sorry about that.
(Rhys) Well it's good to see you then.
(Rhys) Well it's good to see you then.
(2, 0) 1366 You were meant to come and see me.
(2, 0) 1367 Why didn't you?
(Rhys) My mother died.
(Rhys) My mother died.
(2, 0) 1369 I can't imagine anything being more important than delivering that money to me.
(2, 0) 1370 Where is it?
(Rhys) On the farm.
(Rhys) Safe.
(2, 0) 1373 Sorry to hear about your mum.
(Rhys) If it wasn't for you fucking my girlfriend you'd have sent Rikeman after me.
(Rhys) He might survive the next few days.
(2, 0) 1380 I'd send Rikeman after my mother for the dinner money.
(2, 0) 1381 So you know about me and Sian.
(2, 0) 1383 She said you'd work it out.
(2, 0) 1384 What I don't understand is─
(Rhys) I'm retiring.
(Rhys) With your turnover you can afford the loss.
(2, 0) 1389 That's a pity.
(2, 0) 1390 According to the gossip you're a natural.
(Rhys) What did I say about gossip?
(Rhys) According to gossip you're a pimp.
(2, 0) 1393 I'm coming to see you tonight.
(2, 0) 1394 I'll give your mum a bit of this {makes a sign of blessing with his right hand}, have a bite to eat with your family, do a little business with you and be on my way.
(Rhys) You're a pimp.
(Rhys) That's the gossip about you did you know?
(2, 0) 1397 I want to talk to you about Sian.
(2, 0) 1398 No deals.
(Rhys) You want to take her and the money?
(Rhys) You want to take her and the money?
(2, 0) 1400 That's what I'm going to do.
(2, 0) 1401 She started it, I want you to know that.
(Rhys) Fuck off Tag.
(Rhys) I keep the money and you leave me alone forever.
(2, 0) 1409 I can have her like that?
(Rhys) Yeh, like that.
(Rhys) Yeh, like that.
(2, 0) 1411 But she stays with you until after the funeral.
(Sian) Wait a minute.
(Sian) You two are talking about me─
(2, 0) 1415 That's right.
(2, 0) 1416 We're talking about you.
(2, 0) 1417 Shut up.
(2, 0) 1418 I've been waiting a long time for this little chat.
(Rhys) My father likes her being around.
(Rhys) I give you both a month.
(2, 0) 1422 Maybe.
(2, 0) 1423 But I'm not going back without the money.
(2, 0) 1424 You see I know what all this is about.
(2, 0) 1425 Big brother Richard gets himself killed liberating sheep farms in the south Atlantic.
(2, 0) 1426 So little brother thinks he can do whatever it takes to save the fucking hanging gardens here.
(2, 0) 1427 You think the world owes you.
(2, 0) 1428 You think─
(Rhys) ─I think you don't understand.
(Rhys) I don't give a damn for him or his memory.
(2, 0) 1436 Your father and brothers wouldn't say that.
(Rhys) My father believes in ghosts.
(Rhys) You do.
(2, 0) 1445 It's not your money.
(Rhys) Not your girl.
(Rhys) Not your girl.
(2, 0) 1447 I've stolen your girlfriend, you've stolen my money.
(2, 0) 1448 Call it quits, shake hands and on my way.
(2, 0) 1449 Is that it?
(Rhys) Something like that.
(Rhys) Something like that.
(2, 0) 1451 But Rhys, whatever happens, I get what you've got.
(2, 0) 1452 So, as things stand, there isn't a deal as you'd call it.
(2, 0) 1453 It's just down to the money.
(2, 0) 1454 You should leave the pimping to the experts.
(Rhys) Fuck you.
(Rhys) Fuck you.
(2, 0) 1456 That's the great thing about money.
(2, 0) 1457 It just stays money.
(2, 0) 1458 It doesn't change its mind.
(2, 0) 1459 It doesn't put on weight or lose interest in you.
(Rhys) Do you feel like that when you look in the mirror?
(Rhys) You want my girlfriend, money and good looks?
(2, 0) 1466 Nah, no head shots.
(2, 0) 1467 Want you looking smart for your funeral.
(2, 0) 1468 See you tonight.
(Rhys) Before you go, there's something I haven't asked.
(Rhys) How did she start it?
(2, 0) 1472 What?
(2, 0) 1473 ~
(2, 0) 1474 Let him finish.
(2, 0) 1475 This might be interesting.
(Rhys) How did she start it?
(Rhys) Did you seduce her?
(2, 0) 1480 No, it just happened one night.
(Rhys) Where was I?
(Rhys) Where was I?
(2, 0) 1482 On a job I think.
(Rhys) A job you would have sent me on?
(Rhys) A job you would have sent me on?
(2, 0) 1484 What's your point?
(Rhys) Was it a job that you sent me on?
(Rhys) Was it a job that you sent me on?
(2, 0) 1486 You don't work for anyone else.
(Rhys) A long way away?
(Rhys) It wasn't a long time ago.
(2, 0) 1489 I believe you were in Edinburgh as you well fuckin' know.
(Rhys) Yes.
(Rhys) The money that was supposed to be in the safe, that was supposed to be behind the El Greco, in the house that wasn't in Edinburgh.
(2, 0) 1492 As I told you, the information I was given─
(Rhys) Was bullshit, I should have been in Glasgow.
(Rhys) What were you doing for those four days?
(2, 0) 1496 I still don't see your point.
(Rhys) I couldn't say a lot of the Scottish names.
(Rhys) But I had the sense to go home.
(2, 0) 1506 Cheap little sod.
(Garan) Get away from him.
(Garan) I understand too well.
(2, 0) 1519 You're taking one mighty step back with all of this you know?
(2, 0) 1521 See you later.
(2, 0) 1522 The men watch them go.
(2, 0) 1523 Rhys clutches his ribs and groans.
(2, 0) 1524 Dav continues to watch.
(2, 0) 1525 Garan is very concerned.
(2, 0) 1526 He shakes his head.
(Garan) It isn't worth it.
(Garan) Could be water in the fuse box.
(3, 0) 2195 God it's cold out there.
(3, 0) 2196 September.
(3, 0) 2197 Can you believe that?
(3, 0) 2198 Suppose you can.
(3, 0) 2199 What a wind.
(3, 0) 2200 Need miles of ocean to build a wind like that.
(3, 0) 2201 Sea on three sides.
(3, 0) 2202 It's as if we're on the bow of a ship.
(3, 0) 2203 ~
(3, 0) 2204 You know, I don't blame you for wanting to come back to this place.
(3, 0) 2205 There's a wise old man you've got there.
(3, 0) 2206 All of you should learn as much as you can from him, while you can.
(3, 0) 2207 That's something I never did.
(3, 0) 2208 But then my Father couldn't read the weather.
(3, 0) 2209 In fact he couldn't read a fuckin' newspaper.
(3, 0) 2212 Aren't you going to join me?
(3, 0) 2213 I won't bite yet.
(3, 0) 2223 What's for dinner?
(3, 0) 2228 Does he understand what I just─
(Dav) Not.
(3, 0) 2232 That's good.
(3, 0) 2233 Doesn't do to have the same thing ten nights in a row.
(3, 0) 2235 Set for six.
(3, 0) 2236 You were expecting me after all.
(3, 0) 2237 Sian seemed to think that this was a private affair.
(3, 0) 2238 Guests not welcome.
(Sian) Hello.
(Sian) Hello.
(3, 0) 2242 Ah.
(3, 0) 2243 My girl.
(3, 0) 2244 Get us a corkscrew love.
(3, 0) 2245 Boys are thirsty.
(3, 0) 2248 What's on the menu?
(Sian) There's potted rabbit to start─
(Garan) ─potted rabbit?
(3, 0) 2253 Like paté.
(3, 0) 2254 Potted shrimp, potted rabbit, I guess.
(3, 0) 2255 Well I'm famished, so, whenever you're ready.
(3, 0) 2258 Corkscrew and glasses.
(3, 0) 2260 She's never cooked me a meal before.
(3, 0) 2261 Potted rabbit, eh?
(Garan) Never heard of it.
(Rhys) Must be.
(3, 0) 2276 Where's the big man?
(Rhys) Behind you.
(Garan) Tag puts a hand on his arm.
(3, 0) 2286 No, don't.
(3, 0) 2287 He's got the right idea.
(3, 0) 2291 Cheers.
(Rhys) Twll dy dun.
(Dav) Taga.
(3, 0) 2294 What?
(Dav) Tag... ah.
(Rhys) Just an old Welsh saying when we raise our glasses.
(3, 0) 2300 Taga?
(Rhys) Choke.
(Dav) Old Welsh saying.
(3, 0) 2306 You're taking the piss.
(Garan) We have a dictionary, Mr Cooper.
(Rhys) It's a joke, Tag.
(3, 0) 2315 It's a funny language you mean.
(Sian) I made it in one batch.
(Sian) Do you soup?
(3, 0) 2323 Aren't you eating?
(Sian) No.
(Sian) No.
(3, 0) 2325 There's a place for you.
(3, 0) 2326 Next to me.
(Rhys) ─shot, probably Tag.
(Rhys) Dav does like to get up close.
(3, 0) 2347 If you ate rabbit, you might care a bit more.
(3, 0) 2348 Not a special present for me, was it?
(Garan) All from the same pot.
(Garan) Could have been any one of us had that.
(3, 0) 2352 Of course.
(3, 0) 2354 Lovely though.
(Garan) Rhys.
(Garan) Give Maldwyn a push.
(3, 0) 2357 No.
(Dav) Food!
(Sian) I'll get the rest.
(3, 0) 2362 Had a good look around the farm this afternoon.
(3, 0) 2363 You've got a fortune in bits and pieces.
(Rhys) But you couldn't find what you're looking for.
(Rhys) But you couldn't find what you're looking for.
(3, 0) 2365 No.
(3, 0) 2366 I couldn't.
(3, 0) 2367 Where is it?
(Garan) Where did you buy the wine, Mr Cooper?
(Garan) Where did you buy the wine, Mr Cooper?
(3, 0) 2369 Pub.
(3, 0) 2370 The Black Horse.
(3, 0) 2372 Look─
(Garan) ─I haven't been there for a good ten years.
(Garan) Had a big collection of rare whisky on the top shelf.
(3, 0) 2375 I didn't notice.
(Rhys) Different landlord now father.
(Garan) Old Thomas would have taken it with him, no doubt about that.
(3, 0) 2381 I'm sure.
(3, 0) 2382 Look Rhys─
(Garan) Dafydd.
(Rhys) Try and enjoy it.
(3, 0) 2392 Rhys.
(3, 0) 2393 Look.
(3, 0) 2396 Look.
(3, 0) 2397 I can't compromise.
(3, 0) 2398 The money is mine─
(Rhys) ─homemade bread?
(Sian) Ham, potatoes mashed, swede, cauliflower─
(3, 0) 2402 ─moron?
(Sian) Carrots.
(Sian) Rice pudding to finish.
(3, 0) 2410 Don't grow rice do you?
(Rhys) Parsley sauce, Sian?
(Sian) Oh hell─
(3, 0) 2415 Can't you get it your fuckin' self?
(3, 0) 2422 Do you always eat like that?
(Dav) No starter.
(Dav) No starter.
(3, 0) 2425 Your hands are filthy.
(Rhys) Lifts the dirt like nothing else.
(Rhys) Lifts the dirt like nothing else.
(3, 0) 2433 This ham is very good.
(3, 0) 2434 Could be Spanish.
(Garan) More potatoes, Mr Cooper?
(Garan) More potatoes, Mr Cooper?
(3, 0) 2440 Hmm?
(3, 0) 2441 Yes, please.
(3, 0) 2442 What's potato in Welsh?
(Rhys) Tato.
(Rhys) Yeh?
(3, 0) 2449 Potato, potahto.
(3, 0) 2450 I'll be fluent before you know it.
(Rhys) Long walk home, Tag.
(Rhys) Long walk home, Tag.
(3, 0) 2463 But you never know with sea on three sides.
(3, 0) 2464 Might walk home by moonlight yet.
(3, 0) 2471 But I've noticed that means there's only one way out of here.
(3, 0) 2473 What do you say, my love?
(3, 0) 2474 We've only one way to go.
(Dav) That's right.
(Dav) That's right.
(3, 0) 2477 What the fuck was that?
(Garan) Drink some water, Maldwyn.
(Mal) Be' ma' ni wneud da hwn?
(3, 0) 2492 What?
(Mal) Be', ma', ni, wneud, da, hwn?
(Dav) Tagu fe.
(3, 0) 2497 Shut up─
(Rhys) ─Speaks two languages, don't you Dav?
(Rhys) What are we going to do with him?
(3, 0) 2501 Tell him to fuck off to bed.
(3, 0) 2502 We've got business to do.
(Rhys) No.
(Rhys) 'What are we going to do with him?'
(3, 0) 2508 Where are you going?
(3, 0) 2510 Come back.
(3, 0) 2512 Where the hell is he going?
(3, 0) 2516 Oh.
(3, 0) 2517 Welsh, eh?
(3, 0) 2518 I'm fluent enough to know when monkeys are talking about bananas, mate.
(3, 0) 2524 Where is he?
(Garan) He must have seen something else that needs doing.
(Garan) He must have seen something else that needs doing.
(3, 0) 2527 I don't have that much time.
(Rhys) Not going to have your pudding?
(Rhys) Not going to have your pudding?
(3, 0) 2529 Look Rhys.
(3, 0) 2530 You know I'm not going without my money.
(3, 0) 2531 I─
(Mal) {O.S.}
(Mal) I need a hand here.
(3, 0) 2540 Where do you think you're going?
(Rhys) Mal needs a hand.
(Rhys) Mal needs a hand.
(3, 0) 2542 To do what?
(Rhys) It's a big door in that wind.
(Garan) Can't have rain getting in the grain store.
(3, 0) 2550 Don't be long.
(Sian) Where are the boys?
(Sian) Where are the boys?
(3, 0) 2555 Job to do.
(3, 0) 2556 Packed your bags?
(3, 0) 2558 I said─
(Sian) No.
(Sian) No.
(3, 0) 2560 Why?
(Sian) I haven't... haven't had time.
(Sian) I haven't... haven't had time.
(3, 0) 2563 You could go and pack them now.
(Sian) I've got to clean up.
(Sian) I've got to clean up.
(3, 0) 2565 Clean up?
(3, 0) 2566 No.
(3, 0) 2567 You don't have to do anything.
(3, 0) 2568 Go and pack your bags.
(3, 0) 2570 What's the matter?
(3, 0) 2571 You're safe with me.
(3, 0) 2572 Short pause.
(3, 0) 2573 Tag looks at his watch, looks around.
(Sian) How safe are you?
(Sian) How safe are you?
(3, 0) 2577 I had a long think this afternoon.
(3, 0) 2578 About you, me and everything.
(3, 0) 2579 I was thinking about how lucky I was to have a girl as pretty as you fall for me.
(3, 0) 2580 ~
(3, 0) 2581 Then I did a bit more thinking.
(3, 0) 2582 I'm soft you see.
(3, 0) 2583 Willing to reason with everyone when I should be hard.
(3, 0) 2584 Tough.
(3, 0) 2585 Selfish.
(Sian) Soft?
(Sian) I've never heard that before.
(3, 0) 2588 You got me here on purpose.
(3, 0) 2589 Rhys knows that I'm never in the same place as Rikeman.
(3, 0) 2590 But how could you make sure it was me who came down here, and not a killer?
(3, 0) 2591 Love.
(3, 0) 2592 Have me fall for you.
(Sian) Don't be ridiculous.
(Sian) Don't be ridiculous.
(3, 0) 2594 It isn't so daft.
(3, 0) 2595 If I was Rhys, that's what I would do.
(3, 0) 2598 I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here.
(Sian) And if I didn't get the benefit of the doubt?
(Sian) And if I didn't get the benefit of the doubt?
(3, 0) 2602 It's funny how you two still look out for each other.
(Dav) Mumma's coming, Mumma's coming.
(Sian) Oh my god.
(3, 0) 2610 What the fuck's going on.
(Mal) Get the stands, Dav.
(Mal) Get the stands, Dav.
(3, 0) 2613 What the fuck's going on?
(Mal) Hold on Rhys.
(Rhys) Grab hold Tag.
(3, 0) 2619 Christ she's heavy.
(Garan) She was a big woman Mr.Cooper.
(Garan) She was a big woman Mr.Cooper.
(3, 0) 2621 Why bring her in here?
(Mal) Funeral tomorrow, Mr.Cooper.
(Rhys) You didn't think you were the guest of honour, did you?
(3, 0) 2624 Yeh, but did you have to...
(3, 0) 2625 It's a coffin for Christ's sake.
(Rhys) If she makes you nervous now, you should have met her when she was alive.
(Rhys) If she makes you nervous now, you should have met her when she was alive.
(3, 0) 2630 The money.
(3, 0) 2631 Where is it?
(Dav) Rice pudding.
(Dav) Rice pudding.
(3, 0) 2633 Shut up.
(3, 0) 2634 Sian.
(3, 0) 2635 Sit down.
(3, 0) 2640 I press one button and I'm through to Rikeman.
(3, 0) 2642 Seven thirty.
(3, 0) 2643 He'd be here before midnight.
(3, 0) 2644 To stop that from happening, all you have to do is give me my money.
(3, 0) 2645 What's it to be?
(Garan) Who is this Rikeman?
(Garan) Who is this Rikeman?
(3, 0) 2647 Just another example of someone I have no control over.
(3, 0) 2651 What's it to be?
(Rhys) A lot can happen in four hours.
(Mal) I'm hungry.
(3, 0) 2659 Give it back.
(3, 0) 2660 Now.
(Dav) {Into the phone quickly.}
(Rhys) No Dav, put it down.
(3, 0) 2666 Give me the phone.
(Garan) Mr Cooper please.
(Garan) Can't we sit down and discuss this?
(3, 0) 2669 That's something you'll have to ask Rhys.
(3, 0) 2670 He─
(Dav) Toy.
(Dav) Said before.
(3, 0) 2674 Shut up.
(Rhys) You were doing well then, Tag.
(Rhys) Wine was a nice touch.
(3, 0) 2678 What do you mean?
(Rhys) Well it was never going to last was it?
(Mal) If he wasn't lonely before, he is now.
(3, 0) 2690 Where's the money?
(Rhys) Somewhere in the house.
(Rhys) Somewhere in the house.
(3, 0) 2692 Go and get it.
(Rhys) Are you sure you want me to do that?
(Rhys) Are you sure you want me to do that?
(3, 0) 2694 No doubt in my mind.
(Dav) Waterpistol.
(3, 0) 2700 What are you fuckin' waiting for?
(3, 0) 2701 Go and get it.
(Rhys) Do you want to take that risk?
(Rhys) Do you want to take that risk?
(3, 0) 2703 What risk?
(3, 0) 2704 You get the money, give it to me, and I leave without killing anybody.
(Rhys) There might be a gun next to the money.
(Rhys) There might be a gun next to the money.
(3, 0) 2706 You never carry a gun.
(Rhys) Farms usually have a couple of guns.
(Rhys) I might come back and fix you.
(3, 0) 2710 Not before I fix one of these.
(Garan) {Pleads.}
(3, 0) 2715 Sit down.
(Rhys) There's four exits from this house.
(Dav) Caps?
(3, 0) 2722 What?
(Dav) Caps.
(Mal) Looks like caps to me, Dav.
(3, 0) 2727 Will you all shut the fuck up?
(Rhys) You know it is a lot of money.
(Dav) Okay.
(3, 0) 2744 I don't need caps.
(3, 0) 2746 You.
(3, 0) 2747 Go and get the money.
(3, 0) 2749 You tell him where it is.
(3, 0) 2751 Move again and you're dead.
(3, 0) 2753 Tell him, I said.
(Dav) {To Tag.}
(3, 0) 2757 How long do you think?
(Garan) Dav, please be quiet.
(Rhys) So you do trust me to go and get it?
(3, 0) 2765 Yes.
(Rhys) I'll be back in just a minute.
(Rhys) I'll be back in just a minute.
(3, 0) 2767 No wait.
(3, 0) 2770 Tell him.
(Dav) I want to play with Rhys.
(Dav) Always playing with Mal.
(3, 0) 2776 Tell him.
(Garan) Mr Cooper, please listen to me.
(3, 0) 2780 What the fuck is he talking about?
(Dav) {To Tag.}
(Garan) I'm afraid you have upset him, Mr Cooper.
(3, 0) 2787 He's fuckin' upsetting me.
(3, 0) 2789 Go and get the money.
(Dav) {Very serious.}
(Rhys) Back off Mal.
(3, 0) 2796 How stupid am I?
(3, 0) 2797 It's in here somewhere.
(3, 0) 2798 You Maldwyn.
(3, 0) 2799 Pull all the drawers from the table.
(3, 0) 2801 I've had enough, mate.
(3, 0) 2802 It'll be Rhys, then your father.
(3, 0) 2807 Tip over the vases.
(Rhys) This is stupid, Tag.
(Rhys) This is stupid, Tag.
(3, 0) 2811 Is it?
(3, 0) 2812 Then where's the money?
(3, 0) 2815 Tip them over.
(Garan) I─
(Garan) What kind of people do you think we are?
(3, 0) 2823 I've stopped thinking about it.
(3, 0) 2825 Get back.
(3, 0) 2829 Well Jesus, where else?
(Sian) Tag.
(Sian) You can't.
(3, 0) 2832 Then where's the money?
(3, 0) 2835 Just stand there.
(Rhys) Yours is going to be a big funeral, Tag.
(Rhys) Tag gasps and looks at the coffin.
(3, 0) 2864 You mean me coming down here...
(3, 0) 2865 And everything?
(Sian) Everything.
(Sian) Everything.
(3, 0) 2868 Everything?
(3, 0) 2870 I was right.
(Sian) Please Rhys…do it now.
(Sian) Please Rhys…do it now.
(3, 0) 2878 Isn't easy.