
A Monologue for Me

Llinellau gan Desc (Cyfanswm: 23)

(0, 1) 1 SCENE.─A room in BRANSCOMBE'S flat, London.
(0, 1) 2 BRANSCOMBE, a star actor, is seen lounging in an easy chair, smoking a cigar, and reading a newspaper.
(0, 1) 3 He is rather a big, handsome man, full of himself, about 40.
(0, 1) 4 Enter to him ROWLAND MORLEY, about 35, a cultured Oxford Graduate─a dramatic author.
(0, 1) 92 BRANSCOMBE fakes a pencil and "cuts" page after page ruthlessly.
(0, 1) 112 MORLEY seats himself at the table, opens a notebook, and prepares to take notes.
(0, 1) 181 Flops into an easy chair─MORLEY laughingly fans him, and hands him a whiskey and soda.
(0, 1) 192 Enter GERALDINE O'CONNOR, a refined, pretty, girl with delicate colouring, sad-looking, and quietly dressed.
(0, 1) 197 She shrinks back to the door, drops letters on chair.
(0, 1) 201 There is a tense silence, they are both agitated.
(0, 1) 202 Branscombe looks on with astonishment.
(0, 1) 205 A painful silence.
(0, 1) 240 BRANSCOMBE turns back.
(0, 1) 291 BRANSCOMBE walks up and down the room, deeply moved.
(0, 1) 292 MORLEY goes to GERALDINE, and tries to comfort her, but she draws away from him.
(0, 1) 299 GERALDINE looks up at BRANSCOMBE wonderingly.
(0, 1) 300 She slowly holds out her hand, he grasps it, she bursts into tears.
(0, 1) 301 The two men are deeply affected, unable for a few moments to trust themselves to speak.
(0, 1) 371 Blows his nose to hide his emotion and tries to whistle a tune.
(0, 1) 375 MORLEY and GERALDINE silently move to back of stage, furtively watch BRANSCOMBE, and exchange mischievous smiles.
(0, 1) 376 A laugh escapes them.
(0, 1) 381 MORLEY and GERALDINE laugh again.
(0, 1) 412 CURTAIN