Toriad Dydd

Ciw-restr ar gyfer Merch

(Tad) Where's that crotyn tonight agen?
(Mam) There won't be much peace for you when your brother comes in.
(1, 0) 16 And I've got Welsh homework.
(Tad) 'Ow are you getting on with the Welsh?
(Tad) 'Ow are you getting on with the Welsh?
(1, 0) 18 Not very well.
(1, 0) 19 The homework is difficult.
(Tad) You can't expect to be in a County School, my gel, and not 'ave any 'omework to do.
(Mam) Mrs. Jones' daughter is doing French and that will be much more useful for 'er.
(1, 0) 23 Will it?
(Mam) Of course it will.
(Mam) Don't be so twp, gel.
(1, 0) 27 How will it be more useful, mam?
(Mam) Better eddication, my gel, better eddication.
(Mam) Better eddication, my gel, better eddication.
(1, 0) 29 How?
(Mam) Y mae wedi mynd yn hir iawn i thafod oddiar mae hi yn y County School yna.
(1, 0) 36 I suppose you're talking about me now, are you?
(1, 0) 37 You might let me know what you are saying.
(Mam) You go upstairs and do your work and never mind wot we are saying.
(1, 0) 40 I think he was the director.
(Tad) Examination, was it?
(Tad) Examination, was it?
(1, 0) 42 No; he'd called to see about the Welsh.
(Mam) And wot did 'e 'ave to say?
(Mam) And wot did 'e 'ave to say?
(1, 0) 44 He wanted to know how many girls spoke Welsh at home.
(Mam) Busybody, and wot did that 'ave to do with 'im?
(Tad) Did you put your 'and up?
(1, 0) 47 No, I didn't.
(Mam) Quite right too.
(Mam) It's no business of 'is.
(1, 0) 50 Then he wanted to know how many girls there were who did not speak Welsh but who had Welsh-speaking parents.
(Tad) Oh 'e did, did 'e?
(Tad) Wot else did 'e ask?
(1, 0) 54 He asked me if I ever heard my father and mother speak Welsh.
(Mam) Did 'e, indeed?
(Mam) Wot did you say?
(1, 0) 57 I said that you spoke Welsh whenever there was anything you didn't wish me to understand.
(Mam) {yn nwydwyllt} You told 'im that!
(Tad) Did 'e ask you anything else?
(1, 0) 64 Yes.
(1, 0) 65 He asked if I'd like to be able to speak French.
(Mam) There's some sense now wotever.
(Mam) There's some sense now wotever.
(1, 0) 67 I said yes.
(Mam) Course you did, name of goodness.
(Mam) Course you did, name of goodness.
(1, 0) 69 Then he said, "If you wished to be able to speak French and your parents were able to speak French, wouldn't you try to get them to speak French to you?"
(Mam) {yn ddifeddwl} Of course you─ {yn sefyll yn ddisymwth i ystyried}.
(Tad) {Wrth y ferch} That's all right, you go and do your work now.
(1, 0) 75 But I want you to help me.
(Tad) Me 'elp you!
(Tad) 'Ow can I 'elp you?
(1, 0) 78 With my Welsh homework.
(1, 0) 79 I can't get my mutations right.
(Tad) Mut— what did you say?
(Tad) Mut— what did you say?
(1, 0) 81 Mutations.
(Tad) Wot on earth are they?
(Tad) Wot on earth are they?
(1, 0) 83 Our Welsh mistress said that you could help me.
(Tad) 'Ow could she say that?
(Tad) 'Ow could she say that?
(1, 0) 85 She has spoken to you several times, hasn't she?
(Tad) Yes, once or twice.
(Tad) Yes, once or twice.
(1, 0) 87 Well, she says that your mutations are very good.
(Tad) My mutations!
(Tad) Wot ever are you talking about?
(1, 0) 90 Dear, dear; don't you understand—it's just the way you speak Welsh.
(Tad) Oh yes, I can talk Welsh all right.
(1, 0) 93 Have I got it right?
(Tad) {yn syllu'n galed} Is this the kind of Welsh they learn you at school?
(Tad) {yn syllu'n galed} Is this the kind of Welsh they learn you at school?
(1, 0) 95 No, no.
(1, 0) 96 That is a sentence l've had to make myself.
(1, 0) 97 Is it right?
(Tad) Right indeed.
(Tad) Don't it sound funny to you?
(1, 0) 102 No.
(Mam) You must be very twp if you can't see where that is wrong.
(Tad) Cymer bwyll, Marged, rho gyfle iddi.
(1, 0) 105 Can you put it right, mam?
(Mam) Of course I can.
(1, 0) 109 But why is it ddyn and why is it bont?
(Mam) Because that's the right thing to say, of course.
(Mam) Because that's the right thing to say, of course.
(1, 0) 111 Yes, yes.
(1, 0) 112 But why is it right?
(Mam) Don't ask such silly guestions, gel.
(Mam) You might as well ask why twice two is four.
(1, 0) 115 You don't understand what I mean.
(1, 0) 116 How do you know when to say ddyn or bont?
(Tad) Quite right, [Olwen], I'll try to think that out for you.
(Tad) I'll help you with your Welsh later on.
(1, 0) 121 Very well. {Yn cydio yn ei llyfrau ac yn mynd allan.}
(Tad) Marged, we must try to answer that guestion.
(1, 0) 491 'Rwy'n hoffi cofio'r amser,
(1, 0) 492 Ers llawer blwyddyn faith,
(1, 0) 493 Pan oedd pob Cymro'n Gymro gwir
(1, 0) 494 Yn caru'i wlad a'i iaith;
(1, 0) 495 Llefarai dewr arglwyddi
(1, 0) 496 Ein cadarn heniaith ni,
(1, 0) 497 Parablai arglwyddesau heirdd
(1, 0) 498 Ei pheraidd eiriau hi;
(1, 0) 499 Pan glywid yn y neuadd
(1, 0) 500 Y mwynion dannau mân,
(1, 0) 501 Mor fwyn yr eiliai gyda hwy
(1, 0) 502 Ragorol iaith y gân.
(1, 0) 503 Ond wedi hyn trychineb
(1, 0) 504 I'r hen Gymraeg a fu,
(1, 0) 505 Ymachlud wnaeth ei disglaer haul,
(1, 0) 506 Daeth arni hirnos ddu.
(Hen Wraig) Do, fu hi bron â darfod amdanai y pryd hwnnw.
(Hen Wraig) Ewch ymlaen, Olwen.
(1, 0) 515 O'r plasau a'r neuaddau
(1, 0) 516 Fe'i gyrrwyd dan ei chlais;
(1, 0) 517 Arglwyddi, arglwyddesau beilch
(1, 0) 518 Sisialodd iaith y Sais;
(1, 0) 519 A phrydferth iaith y delyn
(1, 0) 520 Fu'n crwydro'n wael ei ffawd,
(1, 0) 521 Ond clywid eto seiniau hoff
(1, 0) 522 Ym mwth y Cymro tlawd;
(1, 0) 523 Meithrinodd Gwerin Cymru
(1, 0) 524 Eu heniaith yn ei chlwy,
(1, 0) 525 Cadd drigo ar eu tafod fyth,
(1, 0) 526 Ac yn eu calon hwy—.
(Hen Wraig) Eto, Olwen, eto... "Meithrinodd gwerin Cymru... "
(Hen Wraig) Eto, Olwen, eto... "Meithrinodd gwerin Cymru... "
(1, 0) 528 Meithrinodd gwerin Cymru
(1, 0) 529 Eu heniaith yn ei chlwy,