
The Conversion

Llinellau gan Desc (Cyfanswm: 20)

(1, 0) 1 SCENE: EIRA's sitting room, daintily furnished─pretty couch, chairs, piano, small tables, mirror on wall opposite stage, flowers, etc.
(1, 0) 2 Door R., door L.
(1, 0) 3 ~
(1, 0) 4 THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS, a good-looking young fellow, with the face of a student and the physique of an athlete, dressed in a black frock suit of clerical cut, and white tie, is walking restlessly about the room.
(1, 0) 5 Takes a flower─puts it in his buttonhole.
(1, 0) 12 Girl's laughter off R., he listens enviously.
(1, 0) 13 Dance music played on the piano comes to him from the room beyond.
(1, 0) 14 His feet move to the music, and then he dances round the room─stops suddenly─glances at door L., snatches up a book and drops into a chair.)
(1, 0) 19 TITUS is a prosperous looking man of about forty, with a pleasant face and a jerky manner, who seems to catch himself thinking about forbidden things, and pulls himself up with a jerk and a disarming smile.
(1, 0) 20 Wears a well-cut brown lounge suit.
(1, 0) 67 FLOSSIE peeps in R.
(1, 0) 68 She is a pretty, mischievous looking girl, about twenty-two, dressed in a short skirt, dainty shoes, etc.
(1, 0) 69 She comes in with a demure expression and a sedate step.
(1, 0) 74 THEOPHILUS and FLOSSIE bow, and exchange glances.
(1, 0) 85 THEOPHILUS and FLOSSIE look at each other solemnly.
(1, 0) 154 EIRA, a pale, beautiful girl, with blue eyes and golden hair, in soft clinging, graceful frock, enters R.
(1, 0) 186 Dabs her eyes with her handkerchief.
(1, 0) 187 Pretends to sob.
(1, 0) 188 Enter TITUS, with an anxious enquiring glance.
(1, 0) 199 FLOSSIE explodes with laughter, and EIRA quivers with suppressed amusement.