Ⓗ 2016 Eric Ngalle Charles
Mae angen caniatâd cyn perfformio neu recordio unrhyw ran o’r ddrama.

Act 4

Hahahahahahahahaha, so you are telling me, you were in the forest, you came across a skull, you stepped on the skull and it spoke to you is that correct? Let me remind you, it is a taboo to tell lies in this society. The consequences of telling lies is decapitation. For the last time and consider this your final warning. Are you telling me you saw a talking skull? Is that correct? Eventually the king summoned a few of his best soldiers and hunters with sharpened machetes, bow and arrows, and together, they followed the hunter into the forest. Lo and behold, the skull was there. The hunter stepped on the skull, nothing happened, there was nothing but pure silence, he stepped on the skull again, silence, he stepped on the skull repeatedly, nothing happened. After many attempts the king got more and more agitated. After many more attempts, the Hunter was beheaded his skull placed alongside the previous skull. When all was quiet and the King had returned to his abode, the first skull looked at the new skull and said:


"You see, I told you, my mouth brought me here.''
