Ⓗ 2016 Eric Ngalle Charles
Mae angen caniatâd cyn perfformio neu recordio unrhyw ran o’r ddrama.

Act 5
Mama-ma weloooo, Njiya Ne Njiyalene
Tata-Ma Welooo Njiya Ne Njiyalene
Wama Nuka Too Mooli mekolikoli Zri Ngweya Zruu
Zri Na muko Moli mekolikoli Zri Na Ngweya woo
Zri Nene Jujuke Na Mevomba
wa neya ene zre ya mawongor

My mother warned me
my father, he warned me
They said:

When you reach on top of the hill
do not sigh, do not show any signs of tiredness
on top of the hill,
I sighed,
I took deep breath,
I was tired
That was when I saw 'Jukuke',
the Devil and his friend Mevomba,
Who took me away.

I was tired
I was a boy,
my bones soft.

The judge banged his gavel
he shouted

Do you mean exile as in the case of the Molikilikili
the stick insect
who died and resurrected herself from death
to question the grave diggers, the mourners
why she wasn't washed
why she was buried in dirty clothes

Do you mean exile
as in the case of Mowbray?

or do you mean exile as in beyond the village gates
to cross seas,
to climb mountains
seeking peace and finding none.

in my flight
I saw my grandmother
she was rearranging the flowers around my grave
she rewrote the words on my epitaph
'Ngalle was here'
'Ngalle is no more'

in my flight, I saw young boys
I saw young girls
dancing barefoot in the "rains of my dreams
And my broken landscape"
I saw bees pregnant with nectar
they carried me home
away from exile.

The End
