
Y Canpunt

Llinellau gan Adelina (Cyfanswm: 17)

(1, 0) 9 I'm sorry ma's not down.
(1, 0) 10 She always puts her feet up after dinner, and we didn't expect you so early.
(1, 0) 14 Well, will you sit down, Miss Williams.
(1, 0) 15 I hope you'll excuse me not staying here with you, but I have to go and help ma to dress.
(1, 0) 16 You see, Blodwen, the girl, is in bed with a swollen face.
(1, 0) 21 I'm afraid I've forgotten most of my Welsh, and I never did know much.
(1, 0) 25 Here's an album.
(1, 0) 26 I think there are some photos of the family in it you might like to see, or perhaps you would like to look at this "Views of Llanelly".
(1, 0) 432 Do, mae nhw lawr yn y gegin.
(1, 0) 454 Pun gymrwch chi, seed cake neu deisen whinberry?
(1, 0) 495 O, ma, mae'r carped wedi spwylo!
(1, 0) 496 Gawn i'r stain bant byth.
(1, 0) 501 Odd Miss Dalrymyle-Jones yn wastod yn disgusted iawn os bydde un o'r merched yn colli i the ar y carped.
(1, 0) 611 Siwgr a llaeth, Mr. Price?
(1, 0) 675 Rwi'n meddwl bod e'n bert iawn, ond wi ddim yn gwbod e eto.
(1, 0) 689 O, fydda'i ddim yn lico canu gyda Mr. Morgan hanner gyment a gyda chi.
(1, 0) 690 Fydd pawb yn disappointed iawn.