Ⓗ 2021 Connor Allen
Mae angen caniatâd cyn perfformio neu recordio unrhyw ran o’r ddrama.

Golygfa 4

And suddenly I'm 12 years old back in the front of the car with nan
On our way to Barry Island.
Suns blazing
Windows down.
Gabrielle's on full blast

Music gets loader
Singing along

I'm not making plans for tomorrow
Let's live for tonight
I know you want me baby
So hold me so tight
Put your arms around me
You make me feel so safe
Then you whisper in my ear
That you're here to stay

Music fades back down but still underlying the text

Nan you're always gunna be here to stay ri(ght)

Of course I am sweetheart

Always and forever

Now here's a fiver
Hurry up before someone nabs our lucky machine
I'm right behind you.

Nan's off parking the car and paying for the display ticket
I'm gone.
She knows where to find me

Sounds of arcade and 2p machines

Through the arcade doors

And up to the change machine
I pops the fiver in the machine and out pour 2ps
grab two tubs and wait as they fill up
I carry on straight to the 10p horse racers
Take a right and go to end and find the 2p machines.
The last but one nearest the window.
Our lucky machine.
You can give it a nudge or a little kick when the prize is hanging on the edge
Just to tip it over
And the alarms won't go off

2p after 2p
I start
Watching as the prize crawls closer and closer towards the drop zone.

Nan places her hand on my shoulder How you getting on? she says gently

Not bad.
Theres that Minnie mouse keyring I'm aiming for.
It's got something attached to it.
Like two prizes in one.

She grabs the spare tub
Mine I take it?

Well yeah.
C'mon nan that keyring ain't gunna move itself

She giggles at me
Yes boss.

She starts popping 2p's in the machine as well
and Minnie starts nudging closer and closer

Almost there nan
We almost got it


How're you so good at this?

I tell you this everytime
There's a trick

A trick?


Time and patience
As soon as the back starts coming forward
THEN you pop the 2p in
And it'll fall into the gap


Now you try it?
Be patient
Good things come to those who wait remember

Yes nan
I remember
Like this?

Jo drops 2p in the machine

Oh darling.
You're so close.
It's on the edge.

Shall I kick it?

Yeah. Go on.
No one's watching.

And as nan stands guard I give it a gentle boot
And down Minnie falls


Look nan
She's got bracelets attached.

Well aren't you lucky she says as she's getting her purse out

One for me and one for you.
Team effort after all.

I'm now buzzing because that's one of the first times I've won anything.
Sports day, Eisteddfod
And as we leave the arcade I give Nan her bracelet
A red and white one
We walk down the front and grab Fish and Chips.
Extra vinegar so theres a pool at the bottom of the cone.
The chips go all soggy.
Love that.
Ice cream for dessert with the sandy breeze blowing through my hair and the taste of the sea filling the air around me.
Can taste the sand in the ice cream

What d'you dream of?

That's random Jo

Well nah, y'know Gabrielle sings of dreams so
Just wondering what yours are like

I dream of retiring and of you growing up and living for the moment
Making the most out of life
because we never know what's going to happen


You know how time is the most precious thing
You have to make the most out of life so that's my dream
That you live life to the fullest


And I'll still be wearing this band when I do.
Retire that is.

Well of course.
You can't ever take it off now.
We're stuck together.
Just you and me

I won't.

I promise.
But what about you?
What's your dreams?


The memory is interrupted and Jo is brought back to present day
